Thank you for considering taking part in this experiment on Demos.science
| Study author:This experiment is conducted by Demos.science researcher Matt Mayer. |
Time: The experiment will take about five minutes to complete. | |
Study goals:The experiment will test your ability to focus while listening to music. | |
Privacy:You will be asked your age, gender, country of birth or nationality and place of residence. However, all data will be anonymised, so it will not be possible to trace your answers/information back to you. | |
| Leaving the study:Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. It is your decision alone to consent to participate in this study. You are free to change your mind and stop participating in this study at any time during the test by simply closing your internet browser. |
The information above is a summary of the study, you can download full study details as a PDF file.
This experiment has been assessed as a mimimal risk study. When you do the SART-concentration test, you may feel some mild anxiety about your performance. However, this should be no greater than what you would experience in the course of a normal day, and we do not anticipate that these effects will continue beyond the test. |